The Ultimate Guide to Seducing and Dating Dominican Girls

Dominican girls are the hottest in all the Caribbean.

That statement will get lots of push-back from Cubans, Puerto Ricans, and Jamaicans – but I stand by it.

And it’s not just the opinion of one dude.

I’ve met dozens of guys over the past few years who share the same passion for Dominican women. I know one international playboy who has visited over seventy countries and has had women in each of those countries.

And yet every winter, he visits the Dominican Republic, because they have the best women he has ever experienced.

What makes Dominican women so great? It’s a mixture of genetics, personality, and the island’s culture. These elements come together to create a unique blend of curves, sensuality, and sex.

So now that I have you attention, let’s get into the details of what makes Dominicanas the best in the Caribbean.

Ya tu sabes.

I’ll break it down for the fellas looking to hit the Dominican Republic with dating on the mind. I’m talking things like:

This guide is nearly a book by itself. So if you’re looking for quick information, feel free to click the link above.

Or just follow along if you’re curious about the whole dating scene in the Dominican Republic.

Everything you’d ever need to know is found below.

What Do Dominican Girls Look Like?

Dominican girls range all across the melanin scale.

Here’s a quick history lesson to illustrate:

During the transatlantic slave trade, both the Spanish and French brought slaves across the Atlantic from West Africa. They dumped them on an island called La Española.

The Hispaniola later split into two countries:

French-speaking Haiti on the east of the island, and the Spanish-speaking Dominican Republic on the west. Two new countries were formed but the slaves remained and the bloodline was changed forever.

Today, the women in the Dominican Republic are a mix of white, black and Native American. According to the statistics, sixty percent are White-European, thirty percent are Black and ten percent Native American.

I don’t trust the sixty percent figure, especially as it’s most likely self-reported. Check out Sammy Sosa’s transformation to see what I mean about not trusting that figure.

Many Dominicanas claim to be white even though they have only a small percentage of white in them. I’ve had caramel-skinned Dominican girls insist to me that they’re pure white blood. But to my eyes, they look nothing like the white girls we know from the USA and Europe.

Even the whitest girls in the DR will be Mediterranean-looking: jet black hair, olive skin, and dark eyes.

That’s about as white as they get in the DR. So if you’re into pale skin, blue eyes and blond hair, forget about it.

If you’re Nordic-looking yourself, you should definitely visit the DR. I’ll get more into what Dominican women find attractive later.

Skin color varies depending on which part of the island you visit. You’ll find more black people in the South-East, and on the coasts. The northern and interior areas of the country are predominantly mixed white or Native American.

This blend of genetics creates some attractive species of women in the Dominican Republic, very much like in Brazil. Many girls in the DR have the facial features of Caucasians, the hair and skin tone of native Americans, and the curves of West Africans.

They can be some truly stunning women!

Just look:

Stunning Dominican girls.

If you think I’ve just described your perfect woman, hold on.

You haven’t heard about their personalities yet…

Personalities of Women in the Dominican Republic

Dominican women are genetically gifted in the looks department, but this comes with a price. And that price is high-spirits and passion.

Dominican girls have strong personalities.

Have you ever been to New York?

If you have, you’ll know that New Yorkers are straight talkers, right? Most Dominicans in the US live in New York City. So many live there that Washington Heights is nicknamed: “Little Dominican Republic”.

I wonder, did some family members the bring no-holds-barred attitude from the Big Apple? Or did Dominicans already have take-no-shit personalities before they emigrated?

I don’t know. All I know is that Dominican women are loud, brutally honest and insanely jealous.

Here’s a short story to illustrate. I was dating a girl from Santo Domingo. Her complexion was the color of syrup. She went to the hair salon every week and studied accounting at the University – standard Santo Domingo chick.

One day I went to a party with a buddy and his girlfriend. At the party, someone took a photo of the three of us. I made the fatal mistake of standing in the middle between my friend and his girl.

When my girl saw the photo on social media the next day she flipped out. She assumed the I was cheating on her with the girl in the photo.

No how much matter how much I tried to reason with her, she wouldn’t listen. She was so angry I’m surprised I wasn’t attacked by here primo on fateful evening.

That was it for our relationship.

If you want to date Dominican women get ready for loud arguments galore. Luckily, that passion also translate to the bedroom.

Best Cities to Meet Dominican Women

Take a look at a list of Dominican cities by population. You’ll see Santo Domingo has between two to three million people – depending on the site you look at. Santiago has around one million.

The next most populous is San Pedro de Macoris.

Those figures tell you everything you need to know about the best options for dating in the DR. Santo Domingo is THE place. Santiago is a distant second. Forget everywhere else. The majority of the beautiful girls in the Dominican Republic are concentrated in the two main cities.

Most tourist to the DR head to the coastal towns of Puerto Plata or Punta Cana. Those resort towns are perfect if you want to snooze in a hammock hanging between two palm trees, enjoying white sand and clear azure waters while drinking a Pina Colada.

But natural paradise is not the same as a dating paradise. Most attractive Dominicanas you’ll meet in Puerto Plata, Punta Cana, Las Terrenas, Boca Chica, etc., will be prostitutes.

Unless you want to lose your soul and your wallet, avoid these girls at all costs.

For further breakdowns on the city you’d like to visit, check out our city guides:

Logistics and Lodging

News flash: the Dominican Republic is a developing country. If living without high-speed broadband and bad customer service bothers you, don’t go.

Three years ago I rented an apartment online in Puerto Plata with two friends.

The listing looked excellent online. The location was walking distance to some bars and clubs. We were excited about staying there.

The day we arrived, we realized there was no Wifi. We had to buy a router in an electrical store and had passable connection in a couple of days. It wasn’t ideal but we could live with it.

Slow internet is one thing, lack of water is something else. Three days into our stay the water shut off. We had no showers, no flushing toilets, and no laundry machine – for a week. We resorted to walking to the gym to shower and using their toilets multiple times a day.

After a week of living in this squalor, we packed our bags and left for Santo Domingo.

Things were better in the capital city but not without problems. On a monthly basis, the power went out and we were left without internet, air conditioning and lights for eight to twelve hours. Power outages are a regular occurrence in the DR, even in the upper-middle-class areas of Santo Domingo.

I learned a tough lesson: Don’t try to budget your way through life in the DR, you’ll regret it.

Get yourself a nice hotel or apartment in the Dominican Republic.

If you have the money…

I recommend something like this.

If you’re hoping to bang a Dominican woman during your stay, it’s a must. If you stay in a nice hotel, you’ll have to book for two people. Otherwise, the front desk won’t let you bring her up to your room.

If you’re staying in a hostel, you’re not getting laid. Period. A Dominican girl won’t fuck a guy who can’t afford a proper place.

Now as I said earlier, the only two cities that are worth visiting if you want to date girls in the Dominican Republic are Santo Domingo and Santiago. There are only a few neighborhoods I recommend for lodging in both cities.

  • Santo Domingo: Piantini, Bella Vista and Zona Colonial.
  • Santiago: Los Jardines.

Those areas are safe, middle class and near the main malls and clubs. Any Dominican girl you date will know those areas and they’ll be willing to visit your place – even after dark.

Stay safe and stay patient when your electricity goes out for a few hours.

More on Logistics…

Two things you need to know about the DR: girls don’t walk and taxis fares are cheap.

Dominican girls, especially attractive ones, don’t walk for three reasons: the heat, they wear high heels all the time and walking is what poor people do – princesses don’t do that.

So what’s the solution?

You either need to have your own car or you need to pay for her taxi. If you refuse either of these two, you’ll be celibate in the Dominican Republic.

The majority of Dominicans are poor and even the middle-class ones are struggling to get by, so the onus on paying the taxi is on you. Don’t be cheap. Uber is common and inexpensive in Santo Domingo. And even local Dominican taxis are cheap if you barter.

Dominican girls love chivalry and nothing will dry up the pussy faster than a tightwad.

More on this later…

Online Dating in the Dominican Republic

What if you could practice your Spanish, meet some Dominican girls, and fill up your social calendar with dates… before you even arrive?

Online dating in the Dominican Republic is incredibly efficient, but it’s not without its pitfalls.

Lemme share with you some general principles for navigating online dating in the DR before I get into the specific tools and apps.

Many women in the Dominican Republic are players.

Many of them only have eyes for your wallet. If you don’t catch a potential user early enough,  you’ll waste a lot of time chatting with a girl who sees you as nothing more than a walking ATM.

Spotting a Chapiadora, the local word for gold digger, comes down to watching out for a few red flags.

For example: if your Dominican girl starts complaining about her economic situation, that’s a big red flag. Some Dominican girls will throw out hints. Some are blunter and will ask for money straight up.

I know you’ll think with your small head before your big head when you see the asses on some Dominican girls but trust me, keep your dick in your pants and don’t pursue it… no matter how hot she is.

She’ll find some other sucker to wire her some money via Western Union and you’ll keep your pride.

Why am I ranting about gold diggers in the online dating section of this article? Because that’s where most Dominican Chapiadoras prey on foreign guys.

Second tip: ask for recent photos so you’re not disappointed when you meet in person. Many Dominican women are single moms but will only show you what she looked like before she got knocked up by the barrio thug.

Despite my warnings, I still believe online dating is the best option if you’re new in the country, or you’re still learning Spanish and have limited time to get your dick wet.

Here are the main tools I recommend:

  • Tinder

Badoo was the main dating app when I first went to the DR a few years ago but now Tinder has taken over. Most Dominican girls on Tinder are upper-middle class. And some of them speak English.

Unfortunately, the influx of Venezuelan immigrants has somewhat ruined Tinder in Santo Domingo. Ninety percent of Venezuelan girls on Tinder the DR are hookers.

  • Dominican Cupid

Browsing this website years ago is what made me decide to buy a plane ticket and visit the island to find myself a Dominican woman.

The Dominican Cupid site allows for more detailed searching than Tinder, using location, age, physique, etc. To avoid the girls who have dated other foreign guys, try to find girls who have been members of the site for less than 3-6 months.

Also, when you are searching the Dominican Cupid website for girls in the DR, widen your search beyond Santo Domingo or Santiago.

Many girls will bus in to visit you from another parts of the island.

You can browse the site for free but you can’t message girls or reply without paying to join. Trust me, it’s as frustrating as getting a lap-dance but not being able to touch. Pay the few dollars and get yourself a membership.

  • Latin American Cupid

If you’ve exhausted your options on Dominican Cupid, join the sister site and you’ll get access to even more single Dominican women ready to date.

There’s tons of Dominican girls on Latin American Cupid, too.

If you put in the work messaging girls on both of these sites, you’ll collect enough numbers to schedule one date per day for at least two months.

If you plan to stay awhile, make sure to rotate using these each month. Dominican Cupid one month and then Latin American Cupid another.

Nightlife in the Dominican Republic

Nightlife in the Dominican Republic is divided across economic lines. On the one hand, there’s the high-end nightlife that reminds you of Miami beach.

The low-end nightlife will remind you of ghetto hip-hop clubs. Both have their advantages and disadvantages.

You’ll find the most expensive clubs and bars in the areas I recommend in the lodging section. You’ll have less value here as you’ll be mixing with girls who have gone to school in the USA and have spent summers in Europe.

You’ll also have more male competition –  foreign guys partying along with tall, good-looking, and wealthy Dominican guys.

You’ll stay safe in these discos. But the patrons of these bars and lounges go there to stare not to share. Dominicans go out in large groups and dance among their friends, family, and coworkers. Even if they’re single they don’t mingle.

Expect to pay between $35-100 for a bottle at the club including mixers. And remember: Dominican girls don’t carry money with them. You’re paying for her and her friends. Taxis, entry, drinks. All night.

The barrio clubs are a blast because no one takes themselves too seriously and the girls will be all over you. But don’t to go to these underground place unless you have some local friends or look like John Cena with fluent Spanish.

Same-night lays are uncommon in the DR, unless you’re already part of her social group. If you can weasel your way into the after-party, you might get lucky.

Learn more about nightlife in the Dominican Republic city-by-city:

Meeting Dominican Girls During the Day

Dominican cities don’t lend themselves to day game opportunities Few girls walk, the cities are spread out and don’t have a downtown area where people congregate.

There is one exception: Zona Colonial in Santo Domingo. If I were living in the Dominican Republic and wanted to get a high return for my day game investments I would prowl El Conde and the Colonial Zone during evenings and weekends. You should also stop by Avenida Duarte a little north of the tourist areas.

Luckily most young Dominican girls hang out at the mall during their free time. If you’re based in Santo Domingo, I recommend hunting around Blue Mall, Acropolis and Galerias 360.

During daytime hours, the universities have plenty of girls walking to and from their classes. There is no security stopping you getting on campus. Just act like you’re lost and looking for the language department. Stop a couple of girls to ask for help and take it from there.

Once you’ve exhausted the schools, go talk to girls working in kiosks and stores. If they’re promo girls, they’re usually attractive and bored to tears by the job.

Santo Domingo can be a dangerous city and most Dominican girls are afraid of getting robbed, so keep that in mind when you approach.

Try to make eye contact with the girls before you make your move. If a Dominican girl likes you, she’ll give you “fuck me” eyes and maybe even a “Hola Papi” to let you know she’s interested.

Day game in the Dominican Republic should not be difficult. These girls will make it known if they want to speak to you. They are not shy.

The only issue is finding the perfect places with high foot traffic.

Would meet during day.

Do You Need To Speak Spanish?

You’ve gathered by now that the DR is a developing country and that’s going to not going to change anytime soon.

What does this mean for your dating life?

English levels are low. You might find a Dominican woman who learned some English from her cousins who live in NYC. But all she really knows is some fucked up ghetto slang – not a single coherent sentence.

The Dominican Republic is not like Peru or Mexico where English-language groupies will want to practice their English with you. Dominican girls don’t want to practice English. They want to hang out at the beach all day, drink cold Presidente beers, party and fuck.

That means it’s your responsibility to know Spanish and know it well.

If you agree, the next question is:

What’s the best way to learn it?

I really only used one service to get my Spanish up to where I could defend myself when speaking with a native.

It’s called Language Blend. This is by the far the easiest course for beginner students of Spanish.

Language Blend offers unlimited Spanish classes, with attractive native girls, for just one low monthly price.

You can literally take a lesson every single day and they also give you a dedicated texting partner.

I actually couldn’t believe how far I progressed in just a few months. If you are serious about learning Spanish this is the step you need to take.

5 Seduction Tips When Gaming Dominican Women

Below I’ve shared my top five tips for any man who wants success dating Dominican women. These tips are gleaned from my five years living and loving in the DR, along with the combined experiences of dozens of the other guys who have slept with over three hundred Dominican women between them.

Here’s goes:

1. Dangle the Carrot

Money talks in the DR. If you don’t have any green, you’re effectively sterile.

You may think that your white skin is attracting the local women.. But those Dominicanas are thinking about your wallet first and having blue-eyed kids with you second.

Here’s the truth about the “White God Factor” in the DR, most Dominican women will date a rich black guy over a poor or middle-class white guy.

In a heartbeat.

Money is far more important than color here.

Does that mean I’m recommending driving around in a Maserati and throwing piles of Benjamin’s into the air at the VIP?

If you have the means to party like the Great Gatsby in the DR, you’ll get laid until your dick falls off.

But most of us don’t have those types of funds.

That’s why I say “dangle the carrot”.

You want to hint at your economic stability to DR girls rather than overtly show it and get taken advantage of by shallow girls.

Here’s what this means in practice:

Dress well, be well groomed, smell good. This is catnip to Dominican women.

Take Ubers to get around and to pick her up – preferably an UberX.

Get a nice place. I’m not talking baller level but be prepared to shell out at least one thousand dollars per month on your rent.

You don’t need to be a millionaire to do these three things. If you can’t afford this lifestyle, stay the fuck home until you can.

2. Speak Spanish

Let me emphasize once more:

if you don’t know any Spanish, you’ll only have access to gringo hunters and whores in the DR. Oh, and fairly poor women.

One or two interactions with those types of girls will ruin your trip and make you lose your faith in humanity, trust me. Girls who chase after foreign guys are the dregs of the DR dating pool.

If you speak Spanish, you’ll have more pleasant dates and you’re less likely to get scammed, used, robbed, or heartbroken.

3. Let Your Hair Down

The DR is a fun-loving culture. Observe the Dominican attitude to life: they don’t take themselves too seriously. They love to joke, laugh and party.

Nothing turns off a Dominican woman more than an uptight, serious gringo who can’t laugh at himself. So loosen up and join in.

I guarantee you’ll increase your chances of getting laid if you do. The best way to put that into practice is…

4. Dancing is Key

When most guys think of Latin dance they think: salsa. But Bachata music and dance dominate the nightlife scene in the DR. Get learning.

Now you might say: “So you want me to become an expert Batachata dancer in the next 4 weeks?”

No, but learn a few steps.

Once you have loosened up those hips, you can put on some Romeo Santo music, grab a Dominicana’s hand and get her to show you the moves.

Like Spanish, you only need to know enough to hold your own and get a local girl to teach you – it’s the best way to learn any skill.

5. Leave Pickup at Home

On my first trip to the Dominican Republic, I tried all sorts of pickup tricks on the local girls: cocky lines, canned openers, hypnotic routines, etc.

If you want to get laid in the Dominican Republic, these kinds of gimmicks are overkill. It’s like shooting a rat with a howitzer.

Male-female sexual dynamics are alive and well in the Caribbean so you don’t need to play any elaborate games. In fact, you only need to do two things: don’t be cheap and escalate.

Dominican women aren’t afraid of their sexuality and you shouldn’t be either. Watch how Dominican guys run game: less thought more action.

Less talking more touching.

More dancing. More drinking. Just more fun.

This isn’t a place to overthink things.

Sand I would bring to the beach…

The Ultimate Guide to Seducing and Dating Dominican Girls

If you visit the Dominican Republic and apply what I’ve written here, you’ll change your dating world.

Girls that you previously thought would only look at you if you were an NBA star, will now be within your league.

No joke.

A guy with his shit together can date way out of his league in this country. That’s what makes it such a paradise on earth.


Book that penthouse apartment, pay a visit to the salon to get fresh, and start studying some Spanish.

Mucha suerte hermano!

Oh, and one more thing:

– Make sure to start meeting Dominican girls before you arrive! –

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Papi Chulo

About the Author

Papi Chulo

Living and traveling around Latin America, Papi Chulo learned a thing or two about dating stunning Latinas. Now, he's sharing that information with the world. If you've ever wanted to meet stunning, exotic women - the time is now!